Protestantism is a “middle way”

last supper

Protestantism is a “middle way” between Babylon and The Only Church Jesus Founded. “Believing in God should not keep me from enjoying life. I don’t like abortion, but I want to use artificial birth control.” That’s why Protestantism is a “middle way”.

Protestantism’s “middle way” was made clear between John 6:33 and John 6:66. Jesus spoke firmly to the crowd who’d followed Him after His “free food for the multitude miracle”. He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies tested their faith: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” He told them that Twelve Times! He said the same thing in The Last Supper Accounts.

The crowd was offended. “That is too much for us to believe!” Those early Protestants left Jesus. “We like a lot of what He said. But this ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.‘ is too much! Wish He would have said it was ‘allegorical’ or ‘symbolic’, but He wouldn’t say that, even as we were leaving Him.”

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Many of us have been in the 43,000 denominations that comprise Protestantism. Each group insists its Marketing Plan is
“A Ladder to Heaven”. Each was invented by some ambitious man who saw an opportunity to make a few dollars in “the religion business”.

Not a single person in all of Protestantism takes Jesus seriously enough to obey His repeated instruction “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” by receiving His Actual Body and Blood, Holy Communion in The Only Church He Founded.

The most important question of all: Does the “middle way” between Babylon and The Catholic Church end at death’s door for those who knowingly stay on it?


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