Jesus Christ clearly told us whose souls get into Heaven!

There are two groups of people on earth! The souls of one group are allowed into Heaven. He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies tells us who they are. Lk 18:9-14 “Jesus addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else.” Jesus Christ tells us how to identify the self-righteous! […]

God sends Truth to us with Words.

Catholics are blessed. We hear Words of God. We strive to obey them! How does God speak to us? He speaks with “words”. His Words tell us the only way a nation, family, or person may escape destruction! Hosea 2: 10-14 contains These Words from God: “Thus says the LORD: Return, O Israel, to the […]

Who can solve The Mystery in this short post? Catholics!

Society is always changing. Hard-working nations and peoples invent new things. New inventions let some nations and peoples become wealthy. Many inventions fail! But, some successful inventors do get rich. Their nation benefits from new ideas! When people and nations become wealthy, we know what happens! Envious people try to take their money. That’s History! […]

This concerns one Word! Who are “they”?

Catholics ask a very hard question! “Who is the “they” in Today’s Reading? Luke, 11:24-33 includes three sentences: 1. “For you say that it is by Beelzebub that I drive out demons.” 2. “If I, then, drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your own people drive them out?” 3. “Therefore they will be […]

What is every Catholic’s favorite bug?

Catholics love lightning bugs! Lightning bugs are living messages from God! They bring His light to the world! Lightning bugs are an amazing Miracle. They change what they eat into light! Catholics know! Lightning bugs make light with two chemicals, luciferin and luciferase. Catholics also know! The word “lucifer” means “light bearer”. “Lucifer” is a […]

God uses politics to judge souls.

Every human body has an immortal soul living inside it. Groups of “human bodies” live together. They form “Political Bodies”. So, our soul lives in two “bodies”. Political Bodies are led by those with the power to control other people. Those in charge of “The Body Politic” have earthly power. They take money from their […]

Catholics read and heed 36 Words of Jesus Christ!

We will all go to Judgment. Jesus Christ will Judge our soul. Catholics pray! May my soul be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”! Many people are led to disobey This Instruction from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I […]

There are classes of people. What class am I in?

The highest class of people are the closest to God. Class 1 People: Catholic Saints are the most obedient to God. They strive to obey Every Teaching of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. They obey This Word of Jesus Christ: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My […]

Catholics thank God for giving His priests This Power!

Every Catholic knows! “The devil wants my soul!” Catholics know more! “The devil wants every soul on earth!” What do Catholics do? We listen to He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies. Jesus Christ left the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” on earth. He gave them to The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His […]

History tells us there are two kinds of “Looters”.

Why do nations fall? Their enemies overthrow them. Every nation is attacked by two kinds of Looters. 1. Local Looters live in the country that’s attacked. 2. Foreign Looters live in invading nations. All Looters agree! “We love to take land and money from those who have it!” ~ Looters justify themselves. “There are ‘good […]