Protestantism: “It’s all right to kill people we can’t see.”

When Land-Grabbing Protestants settled North America, they began to kill Indians and steal their land. They hid what they were doing with Protestant propaganda. Most of us think the First Thanksgiving was something like this: The Protestant establishment loves happy pictures of The First Thanksgiving. The reality is different. There were military veterans of European […]

The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism.

The downhill slide to extinction begins with Protestantism. Many Catholics become Protestants. They have fewer children. In a generation or so, their descendants leave Protestantism for agnosticism, atheism, sports, and distractions. Following generations have fewer grandchildren. Soon, entire families disappear from the earth. Many ask “What has gone wrong with the world?” They avoid understanding: […]

Catholics get with “The Program”.

“In the beginning. . .”, particles and energies were programmed. Something like 3-D pixels were compiled into patterns, systems and beings. They are set decorations and stage props for the actors. We are actors on the huge stage. All the details, from photons to fossils, were put in place to give us free will. Jewish […]

“Tithe 10%!” is a scam.

In Old Testament times, faithful believers were told to “Tithe 10%!” Then, it was necessary. Today, “Tithe 10%!” is a scam. Today, the poor have help. America’s poor have better medical care than billions of people in all of Asia and Africa! Prescriptions are free. Public housing is free. Heating assistance is free. Education is […]

The Profiteers of Protestantism have two very silly objections to Catholicism.

The Profiteers of Protestantism have two very silly objections to Catholicism. 1. They delight in repeating: “Catholics worship idols!” The fact is that no Catholic has ever worshiped an idol. Why do they say something so silly? It is because Catholics are blessed to have reminders of Holy, Obedient Men, Women, and Angels in our […]

Many men make money by making things absurdly simple.

Many men make money by making things absurdly simple. Financial “experts” make millions by promising easy ways to “Get rich!” Nutrition “experts” make a living by peddling various sorts of “Health” food. Salespeople for vitamins, exercise, and medicines make the same sorts of promises. Similarly, The Profiteers of Protestantism sell their favorite “Easy ways to […]

Can the souls of Protestant ministers go to Heaven?

Can the souls of Protestant ministers go to Heaven? Some think they do. Others are more concerned about their fate. Jesus was very clear about who does go to Heaven. He divides every person on earth into one of two groups with this sentence: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” Some of […]

Why Catholics are grateful to The Profiteers of Protestantism:

Why Catholics are grateful to The Profiteers of Protestantism: They have saved us from dealing with millions of ego-maniacs who believe “I know more than Jesus.” It is a Miracle! How are we so blessed? The Profiteers of Protestantism encourage their less-intelligent donors to believe “Catholics worship idols!” They have spared us from legions of […]

Who sits on Heaven’s Jury when we stand before The Judge?

500 years ago, European Profiteers of Protestantism hired Martin Luther. His job was to invent “theological” reasons to justify disobeying The Only Church-Founding Decree of Jesus: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you […]

The POP and the WOB are allies.

For 1,500 years, Ireland had been a solid rock of Catholic Teaching. Recently, death to the unborn became “the law of the land” in Ireland. The Worshipers of Babylon brought death to the unborn of Ireland. The WOB were helped by their allies in the POP, the Profiteers of Protestantism. POP told all who would […]