It is impossible to be happy while refusing to be Catholic.

. Happy Catholics strive to obey Every Word of Jesus. We know: “Jesus is God. I am not.” ~ Question 1: “Why is it impossible to be happy if we refuse to obey God?” Answer: “We cannot be happy while we disobey He in Whose Image we are made.” ~ Question 2: “Did Jesus specifically […]

Jesus asks every Willful Protestant “The Hard Question”!

. Catholics are blessed to see the only answer to The Hard Question from Jesus Christ. ~ Question 1: “What is ‘The Hard Question’ that Jesus asks every Willful Protestant?” Answer: “‘The Hard Question’ that Jesus asks every Willful Protestant is in Luke 6:48. ‘Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what […]

God gave Christmas Presents to us! We may give ours to Him!

God’s Christmas Presents to us should be followed by our Christmas Presents to Him! ~ Question 1: “What were God’s ‘Christmas Presents to us.’?” Answer: “His First Christmas Present to us was His Creation! He Spoke all there is Into Being with His Holy Word, beginning with ‘Let there be light!’” ~ Question 2: “What […]

A VERY odd question! Can “Books of Life” be read by souls in hell?

. “Whales? Little birds? ‘Books of Life’? I hate to think about Catholic ideas!” ~ Question 1: “What do the souls in hell do forever?” Answer: “They are either tormenting other souls or they are being tormented.” ~ Question 2: “Whose souls are tormented?” Answer: “The souls of those who led others to disobey This […]

May our “Book of Life” be read by souls in Heaven?

. Does This Picture of Jesus show Him reading from “The Book of Life” written by the soul standing before Him at Judgment? ~ Question 1: “Why does this new idea that souls in Heaven are able to read all the ‘Books of Life’ written by everyone who ever lived make me feel uncomfortable?” Answer: […]

Is our “Book of Life” a “Movie” of our life?

. Jesus lets us see that He gave His Catholic priests the power to keep us from The Judgment we deserve when our “Book of Life” is read. ~ Question 1: “Will God will read our ‘Book of Life’ when He passes Judgment on our soul?” Answer: “Yes. In earthly courtrooms, Judges will often tell […]

Will we be able to read OUR “Book of Life” after we die?

A new idea? After we die, do we get to read A Trillion “Books of Life” in God’s Library? ~ Question 1: “Do we get to read our ‘Book of Life’ to see why God gave His Judgment on us?” Answer: “Every person who ever lived may get to read everyone’s ‘Book of Life’! Then, […]

Catholics find something AMAZING in The Bible!

. Catholics are able to see how much Jesus Christ could get done in One Day after His Baptism! ~ Question 1: “What ‘amazing’ thing do Catholics find in The Bible?” Answer: “We find The Book of Matthew, Chapters 12 and 13.” ~ Question 2: “What is so ‘amazing’ about them?” Answer: “Catholics realize those […]

Catholics make “The Amazing Catholic Connection”!

. Catholics connect the Cubical Shape of Heaven with two earlier Holy Cubes in The Bible and our souls. ~ Question 1: “What is ‘The Amazing Catholic Connection’ that Catholics consider?” Answer: “Catholics may see ‘The Amazing Catholic Connection’ between a cubical grain of salt smaller than this period (.) and The City of God!” […]

Each of us has two names. “God’s Name” for us is very long!

. Catholics think about The Building Blocks that God provides to let our soul construct our body. ~ Question 1. “Why do some Catholics say that we have two names?” Answer: “We are given a ‘Human Name’ to identify us on earth when we are born. We also have a ‘Real Name from God’. It […]