Protestantism’s Foundation: “Jesus made mistakes.”

At the heart of Protestantism’s Foundation: “Jesus made mistakes.” is denying His Call to Catholic Communion. Jesus said, fourteen times, “If you do not eat My Body and Drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” Protestantism’ Foundation: “Jesus made mistakes.” is seen by their refusal to believe that Jesus always told the […]

Catholics take Christ’s challenge.

It is a challenge to be Catholic. Our Catholic Churches are filled with reminders of Holy Men, Women, and Angels. Catholic Saints are a continual reminder: “I must be better!” Catholics take Christ’s challenge. Protestant Churches avoid such reminders. “We are fine the way we are. We do not want to be reminded of Catholic […]

“Thou shall not bear false witness.”

“Thou shall not bear false witness.” is widely ignored. Lost souls make a living by bearing false witness. They are the reason that God wants the news media to exist. The news media identifies people who most proudly exchange their immortal souls for wealth, popularity, and power. Except for the occasional emergency, the evening news […]

Catholics find food for our souls.

I recently went through several months of stressful negotiations. As soon as they were concluded, I came down with shingles. It is a stress-induced disease that attacks the nervous system. Sleep was impossible. Night after night, pounding headaches kept me awake. At least one tiny network of nerves on the upper right side of my […]

Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!”

Protestants redefine God to suit themselves. Vanity becomes Doctrine. In Protestantism: “Me and God are buddies!” That conclusion contains conceit. “God is not really better than me. Oh, He’s real smart. He can do a lot more things than I can. But He’s not that much better than me.” Most Catholics don’t notice that Protestants […]

Protestant Plunderers pounced

Protestantism began when “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Roman Catholic Church over Western Europe ended. Five hundred years ago, Luther and other “theologians” were used by greedy men to provide excuses to weaken and loot The Only Church Jesus Founded. As Rev. 20 predicted, “The dragon was unchained from the abyss.” The Protestant Plunderers […]

Protestants have let themselves be led to disrespect Jesus.

Protestants have let themselves be led to disrespect Jesus. We know that because all Protestants disobey Jesus’ Only Church-Founding Decree: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of […]

God appears to good actors in The Big Movie.

How big is our soul? It came into being at our conception. Then, we were smaller than a grain of salt. It contained the countless DNA molecules of our ancestors, the blueprint from which we were built. Is our soul the size of an atom within that grain-of-salt-sized being? Is it the size of an […]

We hide from an awful truth.

We hide from an awful truth.  Many of us have killed our own children.  Billions of unborn babies are killed by abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and implants. Most Protestants, and many Catholics, avoid thinking about that.   We want to believe “I am a good person.”  When we think about the children kept from […]

Protestants never say “I’m sorry.”

In America, Protestantism did not obey “Love your neighbor.” They killed countless millions of Indians and stole their land. Protestants never say “I’m sorry.” In the last century, Protestant denominations allowed easy divorces and remarriages. The family-destroying confusion made generations of their own children vulnerable to drugs and disorders. Protestants never say “I’m sorry.” Protestants […]