What are the two kinds of people?

There are two kinds of people. 1. Grateful, happy people thank God for His great gift of life! 2. Ungrateful, angry people don’t think about God or the blessings He gave them. ~ Why do people become ungrateful and angry? They were not loved and protected from emotional abuse when they grew up. God is […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 16.

Catholics ask an important question! “Why do Protestants disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ?   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?” Catholics can answer that question!  […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 12.

Every Catholic has a Mission!  12.   Every Catholic needs to understand one fact!  “It is impossible for a Protestant to be happy!” Why is it impossible for a Protestant to be happy? We can only be “happy” if we have the Joy of Consistency.  Every Protestant lives in contradiction.   They knowingly, or unknowingly, disobey This […]

Every Catholic has a Mission! 11.

Every Catholic has a Mission! 11.  Today, our Mission is to learn and share a simple fact!   There are two kinds of people. 1.  Catholics believe:  “I will die.  My soul will go to Judgment.  God will send my soul to eternal joy or to eternal suffering. 2.  Non-Catholics believe:  “If there is a God, […]

Protestants are afraid to face three facts!

MT 7:21 and 24-27 give us very clear Words from God. They were Spoken by He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies! When we read those passages, we see that Protestants are afraid to face three facts! 1. “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of heaven, […]

What confuses Protestants? The Arian Heresy!

Protestants are very confused! The upper-level Protestants all include This Passage in their prayers: “In The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.” What do their actions prove? Protestants are very confused! What confuses Protestants? The Arian Heresy! The Arian Heresy attacked This Catholic Teaching: “The Father, Son, and […]

Was The Baptism of Constantine valid?

Arians were early Protestants. They followed an early Profiteer of Protestantism named Arius. He attacked Catholic Teaching about The Holy Trinity. Arius and the Arians did not believe The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit were Three Separate But Equal Persons in One Holy Trinity. Arius, and many early Protestants, were once Catholic priests. […]

I had an odd question when I was a Protestant.

When I was a Protestant, two kinds of Catholics were recognized.   “Good Catholics become Protestants.”   Other Catholics were “Trapped in Rome”. I saw many, many Catholics became Protestants.  Listening closely helped me understand why!   Many who left The Catholic Church had been divorced and re-married.   Sometimes, often! They all looked very sincere each time they […]

3 Peoples. Catholics. Accidental Protestants. Willful Protestants.

Protestants are people who disobey Teachings of Jesus Christ.  Those beliefs are formed in a world ruled by many who hate Catholic Teachings. Catholic Teaching about Holy Communion reflects a Teaching that Jesus Christ repeated fourteen times!  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” […]

A mystery for Catholics!  Why did the “second beast” have its name changed?

A mystery for Catholics!  Why did the “second beast” have its name changed?  It name appears in Rev 13: 11.  “I saw a second beast appear from the ground”. The “second beast” helped “the first beast”.   It “extended its authority everywhere”.  The “second beast” was a master at Marketing, Advertising,  and Public Relations!  “it was […]