An empty attack on Catholic Fundamentalism

Catholic Fundamentalism’s Three Step Program (link: ) has caused some consternation among Protestants. As you may see, it simply links three of Jesus’ “Indirect Commands” together in a short “stairway to Heaven”. Then, it affirms the validity of this short, narrow access to The Only Church Jesus Founded.

It was noticed that out of the hundreds of thousands of Protestant clergypersons, none could deny the validity of Catholic Fundamentalism’s Three Step Program. It was suggested that we should offer a “reward” for any Protestant clergyperson who would be able to show why Catholic Fundamentalism’s Three Step Program was wrong.

There were some objections to the post, but there were no logical refutations.

A group of Lutherans,however, did consider the challenge. Rather than actually do some thinking to justify their position, they said Catholic Fundamentalism’s Three Step Program is a “bully”.

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Even Martin Luther would have been embarrassed by the pitiful response of those bearing the name of his schism.

An empty attack on Catholic Fundamentalism is to cry “Bully!” The challenge continues: Can any Protestant clergypersons show where Catholic Fundamentalism’s Three Step Program is wrong?

If you are in a Protestant group, maybe your congregation’s leader will take a crack at it. Maybe.


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