Mary, a newer face, of doom?

Most Catholics believe these things about Mary, The Mother of Jesus:

1. Mary had to be the most perfect of created entities so that the “human half” of Jesus, “Half God and Half Man” would have no flaws for the devil to exploit. Therefore, His Blessed Mother was conceived so that Eve’s error of Original Sin would not cause any imperfection.

2. Mary had free will. She could have said to Gabriel at The Annunciation, “No, I will not be the handmaid of The Lord. I prefer to have a family and career of my own.” Instead, Mary was perfectly obedient to God.

3. At the Wedding Feast of Cana, the parents could not afford for the caterers to provide more wine. They had run out of money and faced awful embarrassment. Jesus’ Mother asked Him to help. He pretended to not want to do so, but turned stone jars full of water, half as big as oil drums, into wine of such high quality that the headwaiter praised it surprised that “The best wine had been saved for later.” Jesus was obedient to His Blessed Mother, the wedding was a success, and the awful embarrassment of having gone broke in the middle of the wedding was stayed. (By the way, Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that there was enough very high quality wine remaining in the rest of the stone jars so the parents could sell it to get themselves out of their financial difficulty.)

4. One of Jesus’ last commands to His most beloved Disciple was to take care of His Mother.

Now, we move from that unshakable foundation to a conjecture: Jesus loves His Mother. His Mother loves Jesus. After she had been crowned Queen of Heaven, she took over the operation of The Creation Program. She makes sure that the stars twinkle at night, that the moon goes through its phases, that the sun puts out the right amount of energy, and that water generally continues to run downhill.

Mary, as every mother, loves Her Son. When we understand that The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, her Father, Son, and Spouse, have made her Queen of Heaven, we get a partial view of Her Power in Heaven and throughout Her Vast Realm.

Aside from running The Universe, The Queen of Heaven knows those who demean or deny Her Son. Was The Blessed Mother responsible for asking Her Beloved Father to visit The Destruction on Jerusalem and its establishment for torturing and crucifying The Son she had by The Holy Spirit? Did Mary give the earliest Catholics and converts a few years to sell their properties and get out before the city and Temple were destroyed?
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It would be foolish not to ask similar questions about later events. A few centuries after The Only Church Jesus Founded was up and running, an early Pastor Bob decided that “The Son is not as powerful as The Father and The Holy Spirit.” The Nestorians did well, for awhile, taking over most of Persia and many surrounding areas. It is respectfully, and fearfully, suggested that Mary gave them plenty of time to straighten out, return to The Only Church Jesus Founded, and be saved.

When they refused, did Mary look over at Jesus on His Adjacent Throne, and say, “My Lord and My Son, I think the Nestorians have had all the time they need for those who are going to get back to The Catholic Church to have done so. You have had Moslems wbrought into being to have a handy Scourge to punish uppity Catholics. Is it time?”

Soon, no more Nestorians. Do we see Mary, a newer face, of doom? Is that reflected in Her Son’s anger blazing out toward those who refuse to respect and revere His Blessed Mother?

When we look at history, we see that Mary’s intercession cannot be reasonably denied in many instances. Did The Blessed Mother decide, “The Greeks are, like the Nestorians, demeaning My Son’s divinity to some degree.” Was that responsible for the Moslem destruction of the Greek Orthodox Empire in Syria, Asia Minor and the Balkans? Didn’t Mary give them centuries to re-unite with Rome? Didn’t they ignore every opportunity?

Was France punished for replacing Catholic Kings with socialism? Was Germany punished for following Luther’s leadership in leaving in The Only Church Her Son Founded? Were Russians punished by Communism because they denied the clear authority of Rome over the first the Greek, and then their own, schism of setting Moscow up as “The Third Rome”? Are Europe and America falling to invasion because The Only Church Jesus Founded has been so fragmented and weakened by 43,000 schisms?

We may only say in utter humility, “Hail Mary, full of Grace, The Lord is with Thee. Blessed are Thou among women and blessed in The Fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”


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