The numbers make Catholics look smart!


The numbers make Catholics look smart!    Some church financial consultants say that a Protestant church needs $20.00 per week from each adult attendee, or 26.00 per person per week.   One with two hundred members needs $270,000.00/year to meet expenses.  Often, 58% goes for salaries, 6% for admin, 18% for facilities, 12% for utilities, 3% for programs, and 3% for ministries and support.   Numbers are vague:  80%  can go to salaries!

Many have an average of 100 donating members.  The smaller the church, the more money goes to salaries.

There is a “lifetime cost” of being in high-expense denominations.   Each person spends $26.00 a week for 52 weeks:  $1,352/year.  Over fifty years, the outlay is $67,600.00.

Compare costs:  one Catholic Church can serve 6,300 people for $1,382,000.00/year.   Each person needs to put in 4.20 a week, or $219/year!    What’s the “lifetime cost” of being Catholic in such a parish?  In fifty years, $10,968.00 is expected from each Catholic donor.

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The “lifetime Church savings”?  The Protestant spends $26.00 each week, totaling $67,600.00 over fifty years.  The Catholic spends $4.20 a week, totaling $10,968.00 over fifty years!

If each Catholic put that $21.80 a week savings in a 5% savings plan, each Catholic would have about about $200,000.00 in fifty years!  If any thousand Protestants had been Catholic, their collective savings would have $200,000 times 1,000 people.  The local Protestant community could be two hundred million dollars richer if they had been Catholic and invested the money they saved!

Now, lets look at BIG NUMBERS!  How much money are a hundred million Protestants losing because they are not Catholic?  We see that Protestantism impoverishes individuals AND  nations when we see that a hundred million Protestants, each wasting $200,000.00, have blown an astounding 20,000,000,000,000 dollars!  That’s more than many nations’ Gross Domestic Product, down the drain!

At death what happens to the soul who intentionally rejected the clear call to Catholic Communion Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”?   Doesn’t it seem best to be Catholic?    pieppiper big


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