The underlying motives of Protestantism

The underlying motives of Protestantism are clear.

Many men are too proud,  or too lazy, to get a real job.  Many prefer to make a living by bloviating.

Christianity provides a big market for Bloviators!   Millions of people want to avoid Catholic Teaching on the Sanctity of Marriage, chastity, fornication, abortion, and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and devices.

And, they want to go to Heaven!   Those who want to do what they want and go to Heaven are a huge market segment!

Professional Protestants make a living by telling people who want to avoid Catholic Teaching:  “‘You are smart!  You know a lot!  You are a good person!  You may have all you want, and Heaven, too!  You are going to Heaven if you do as I say!” 

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They laugh at them behind their backs. “Foolish people would rather listen to delusions of salvation than follow the Teachings of The Only Church Jesus Founded!  Gullible suckers!”

The smarter Professional Protestants know they are wrong.  “Jesus only Founded One Church, and not mine, when He decreed:  “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Some of them wonder, “Am I going to end up with a millstone tied around by neck and thrown into the sea for ‘leading a little one’ of His astray?”

The smarter ones avoid that thought:  “I am not sinning!  I am helping Jesus separate those willful goats from His obedient sheep!”

Then, they think their deepest thoughts:  “I need to try to find ways to get more money from more of them!”

The underlying motives of Protestantism are as clear as they are ignored.


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