The brutal history of Protestant Imperialism. 1.


.                                             Imperial Protestants realized:  “We have guns.  Our enemies do not.”


Many dislike any mention of the brutal history of Protestant Imperialism.  Blood began to flow when Luther, angered because confused, militant German peasants were not as worshipful of him as he wanted, told the Nobles, “Kill the German pigs!” and a hundred and fifty thousand poor, confused peasants were slaughtered.

Many realized:  “Killing Catholics gets rid of unemployment problems.”

Imperial Protestants in Britain found that easy money was to made by stealing property from The Church and from individual Catholics.  In England, 70,000 Catholics were killed, often by being brutally “disemboweled while alive” after having been strangled to near death and having their private parts cut off.

A million and a half Irish Catholics met death as Protestant greed for land and power gave a new and bloody face to British Imperialism.

Protestant  Imperialism was just getting started!

As they were winding up the first Thanksgiving Dinner with their new neighbors from The Stone Age, military veterans among the Pilgrim Protestants realized, “We have guns.  The Indians don’t.”

Though many Protestants disapproved, the bloody wave of Protestant Imperialism could not be stopped by those divided among the confusion of multiplying schisms.   The hard core of Protestant Imperialism marched relentlessly across North America, pushing ahead of it those Indians they did not exterminate.   Tens of millions died.  Hundreds of thousands of Indian cities and villages had been destroyed by the 1880s.

Imperial Protestants then rested.   In another generation, Protestant Imperialists began to fight among themselves.  World Wars followed.  Then, in the long stretch of peace and “little wars” following WWII, they realized:  “If we allow abortion we can get rid of an entire underclass.  Cheaper than welfare!”

The hard core of Protestant Imperialism soon justified killing millions unborn children a year.  Many Christians were appalled.  But, by that time there were 30,000 competing denominations, each calling itself “Christian”, and those who loved their neighbors were paralyzed by the distracting drivel that flowed like spoiled molasses from their “theologians”.

Many saw the difference between The Catholic Church and the Imperial Protestants.  “Catholics settled Mexico, Central, and South America.  Up to 95% of those populations still have 95% Indian DNA.  The Catholics are Christians who are vastly more obedient to Christ’s command “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Many look at the hundreds of millions killed by Protestant Imperialism and go too far.  They leave Protestantism in disgust and disavow Christianity altogether.

Those with a better sense of proportion are able to see that The Only Church Jesus Founded has been far more obedient to “Love your neighbor.”  Many of them then see where to obtain the only life promised by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”


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