Choose: Catholic Church or Marketing Plan?

Theology is simple. Each of us must make a choice: Choose: Catholic Church or Marketing Plan?

History teaches us that: “Every Protestant denomination was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.” That leads to another fact: “The most successful Protestant Marketing Plans are those that have taken denominational form.”

Is theology that easy? Yes! There are two kinds of churches. First, there is The Only Church Jesus Founded. Then, there are the 43,000 denominations. Each one was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.

The two kinds of churches reflect the two kinds of people. One kind chooses The Only Church Jesus Founded. Mt. 16:18-20, “Verily verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. Those whose sins you bind on earth are bound in Heaven. Those whose sins you loose on earth are loosed in Heaven.” Jesus Founded One Church. He gave The Church’s priests real power.
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Those who believe they know more than Jesus reject The Only Church He Founded. They choose to support one of the 43,000 Marketing Plans that have taken denominational form.

Modern theology is about as clear as it can be.

It is amazing that any of us can be led to prefer some human organization that we see changing before our eyes. But, that’s what happens when we are too confused by vanity and sin to see just how simple things are.


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