Protestantism’s problem is Pride.

In Protestantism, personal preference predominates. Protestantism’s problem is Pride. As soon as any Protestant becomes unhappy with his denomination, he either forces changes, leaves, or is asked to leave. Protestants do not recognize the need for obedience found in The Only Church Jesus Founded. “Those Catholics are too extreme for me!” sums up their theological […]

Choose: Catholic Church or Marketing Plan?

Theology is simple. Each of us must make a choice: Choose: Catholic Church or Marketing Plan? History teaches us that: “Every Protestant denomination was invented by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan.” That leads to another fact: “The most successful Protestant Marketing Plans are those that have taken denominational form.” Is theology that […]

Today’s common creed: “Cash is King!”

Studies suggest that, of 250,000 Protestant churches, 200,000 are stagnant or declining. 43,000 Protestant groups and denominations are desperate for donors. Today’s common creed? “Cash is King!” among the semi-Christian Babylonians. The cry for cash is understandable. It’s been estimated that “4,000 churches close their doors every single year.” Today, the need for donors forces […]

When needs overpower Creed, chaos reigns.

43,000 Protestant groups are chaos! Catholicism is consistency. When needs overpower Creed, chaos reigns. Consider a conversation: Protestant: “I truly believe in Jesus and The Bible.” Catholic: “The Bible quotes Jesus. He clearly said, ‘Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of […]

Are Protestantisms “Gods made by men”?

St. Augustine wrote of “Gods made by men”, false idols of Egypt and Rome. “Gods invented by men” distracted ancient people from God and enriched the priesthoods of their makers. In our age, 43,000 Marketing Plans have taken denominational form as variations of Protestantism. Are Protestantisms “Gods made by men”? Each of the “Gods made […]

“Please, can you just connect a few dots?”

The lesson from Today’s Reading is a question: “Please, can you just connect a few dots?” The man to whom Jesus said “Verily, verily thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” […]

Each Protestant group is a Marketing Plan

There are more than 43,000 Protestant groups. Market research explains: “Each Protestant group is a Marketing Plan that has taken a theological form.” Many do not realize that Protestant Affinity Groups (PAGs) are religious versions of Secular Affinity Groups (SAGs), which include Environmentalists, MENSA, Republicans, Democrats, Rotary, and Scientology. A successful Protestant Affinity Group must […]

There are Big Protestant Marketing Problems

There are Big Protestant Marketing Problems! A local minister, young Pastor Bob, Jr., came to see me at our Marketing Company, Flim, Flam & Fluff. What a challenge he gave us! He began by explaining: “We have some credibility problems. The Catholic Church has been around for two thousand years. Our denomination was invented by […]

Jesus separates the living from the dead

Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther began the fragmentation of Christendom. Since then, more than 43,000 ambitious Protestant men have successfully turned their Marketing Plans into Protestant denominations. Each Protestant denomination has this common denominator: “We can get to Heaven without being Catholic.” A deeper truth: Jesus divides the living from the dead. Jesus’ made […]

Protestants believe in believing

  Facts are clear.  Jesus fulfilled the Prophecies.  He Founded One Church.  Protestants avoid it.   Why do Protestants protest?   Protestants believe in believing more than obeying. Most people know little about The Bible and history.   They are easy prey for any ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan. Those who make a profession of leading […]