Some people like slavery.

One dividing line between lost and saved souls is the attitude toward slavery.  Some people like slavery.  They are accursed. In our time, slavery is not always obvious.  No more overseers with whips.  They have been replaced with tax collectors, property confiscations, and lots of jails.  Today, slavery tends to be part time.  It is that […]

Fear and scarcity, the “Gullibility Scale” of the pseudo-intellectual.

Fear and scarcity, the “Gullibility Scale” of the pseudo-intellectual are always with us.  Fear and scarcity frequently appears with, “We’re afraid the world is running out of oil, so we have to have more public transportation (Union jobs with dues to subsidize a Party that has a hard time getting contgributions any other way) and tiny, unsafe, […]

Imaginary Problems make people feel intelligent.

Most of us read magazines and newspapers.  We watch TV.  We listen to the radio.  We access websites on the internet.  We get lots of information. The information we receive does not appear by magic.  It is very carefully provided to lead us to think, speak, and act in a desired way.  People who sell […]

The Church is here to save souls, not economic systems.

Lots of people are looking for alternatives to our economic system.  Some are in favor of governments printing more money.  Others want a gold standard.  Sizable groups want silver money.  Lots and lots of people want  lots and lots of things.  Vanity being what it is, most of them think, and will let people know […]

“Qui bono?”, “Who benefits?”

Every truth has at least one opposing lie.  In the theological sphere, the truth “There is a God” is opposed by the lie, “There is no God.”   In economics, the truth “There is no free lunch.” is countered by the lie, “Deficit spending will solve our economic problems.” We can watch the lies and truths being told […]

The bubbles of fear are bursting. Fearmongers are losing their jobs.

There is an odd, unpleasant sort of person in the big bulge of the bell curve.  They  are not smart enough to get “intellectual” jobs and are too proud to do the sort of work that requires getting their hands dirty. Many of them find that they can make a living by selling scary lies […]

Progress is bursting old bubbles and blowing new ones.

Rome dominated by putting labor-saving inventions of great magnitude to use.  Romans utilized labor-saving arches, aqueducts, factory farms, improved roads, apartment buildings, public baths, threshing machines, large transport vessels, and catapults more than other nations.  In every area of human endeavor,  Rome’s ability to put labor-saving ingenuity in place propelled them ahead of their more […]

Imaginary environmental problems are disappearing.

Something astonishing is happening.   Imaginary environmental problems are disappearing.  The fact is that, with the internet, all those cherished, imaginary environmental problems are disappearing with amazing speed.  We should pity the poor environmentalists. Environmentalists making a living from the Global Freezing/Warming problems are having a hard time finding anywhere that’s getting colder or warmer. […]

One More Child

The Japanese economy is in an inexorable decline.  It is sinking even faster than its population.  Japan’s population began to decline before its economy did.  The Japanese did not encourage young families to have any children at all, let alone encouraging them to have one more child. Every nation that declines does so because its […]

Money Gives People Access to Energy

Why do we have money?  Money gives people access to energy.  There are two kinds of energy.  Some energy comes through wires and pipes.   Another form of energy is that which is crystallized in things. Catholic Fundamentalism thinks we can understand how money gives people access to energy and things by using our imagination.  We […]