Godless People Will Kill Those Who Tell the Truth

Today’s Reading is from the Book of Acts, 7:51-8:1.  It includes the following passage: “When they heard this, they were infuriated, and they ground their teeth at him. But Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked up intently to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, […]

Avoid the Culture of Death

Souls are either saved or lost.  Those who are saved are pro-life.  The lost are pro-death.  While on earth, such souls are a part of the Culture of Death. Those who choose to live in the Culture of Death don’t love their neighbors.  In every election, some candidates identify themselves as “pro-life”.   Those who oppose […]

Why The Bishops’ Staffs Have Changed

Catholic Bishops carry a staff as a symbol of their duty and authority.  The staff represented the relationship between bishop and people that was encapsulated by Christ’s order to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” In the early Church, the bishop’s staff had an open end, like the shepherds’ crook.  With it, a bishop would  actually pull […]

A Letter from Satan to a School Board

Dear children on my school boards,  I am happy for you, pleased with you, and filled with pride at the damage you have done! Your greatest accomplishments are well-known.  The formerly Christian countries have been turned into sterile gaggles of ignorant illiterates.  You have made it impossible for them to even calculate how magnificently you […]

Alarmists Used to be Interesting.

Alarmists used to be interesting.  They worried about problems in the air, on land, and in the sea. In the sky, ozone holes were once “vitally important”.  Acid rain was an even bigger concern.  Various kinds of airborne pollutants had brief periods of popularity.  Those alarms were replaced by frequent, even hysterical, rants about our […]

Evil is the Reverse of Good

Evil is the reverse of good, of God, and of His Programming.  Most of us have little difficulty in believing things that are good.Truth is good, lies are bad.  Love is good, hate is bad.  Order is good, chaos is bad. Life is good, death is bad if it’s untimely. God, The Loving Programmer, has […]

Christ Can Forgive All Sins,Even the Sin of Killing Him.

Most people have heard that Christ can forgive all sins.   Few have any idea just how much Christ can forgive, and even fewer have any idea how much He is willing to forgive: Today’s Reading is from 1 Acts, 2:36-41.  It tells us how much Christ can forgive: “On the day of Pentecost, Peter said […]

“Jesus Descended into Hell.”

The Creed tells us what Jesus did after He died on the cross.  “He descended into Hell”.  Today, the Saturday after Good Friday, He was not on earth or in Heaven.  He descended into Hell. Dante, in The Inferno, tells us why.  Jesus descended into Hell to unearth all the souls who’d been sent there until He came and […]

The Elevator Analogy

Our minds can understand vast distances.  We can take in, for instance, the fact that the stars are farther away than the moon and that the various parts of the earth are even closer.  We have been programmed and downloaded with the ability to understand physical distances.  We know that some things are closer than […]