Can environmentalists avoid a painful part of Hell?

Sometimes, the harm that Conventional Reality does becomes visible.  Today, greeniewatch had an article that showed the harm that environmentalists did while claiming to “help”” “Last week, Bjorn Lomborg, the widely published Danish professor and director of one of the world’s leading environmental think tanks, the Copenhagen Consensus Center, published an article about the Philippines’ […]

Without belief and obedience, our souls are lost.

Many people leave The Church because they are separated from Her teachings.  She is, for instance, very firm on remarriage without having had any previ0us marriage annulled.  The Church believes that sex outside of a valid marriage is improper.  As a result, Catholics often find themselves in relationships that keep them from receiving the Sacraments. […]

The First Flood, and the Second, wash away unbelievers.

Matthew 24: 37-39 makes it clear.  Jesus said there was a Flood:  “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.  For as in the days that were before the Flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah […]

Crime shows.

In the last decade, television executives have been producing more crime shows.  Crime shows depict real crimes inflicted by people on friends, families, and total strangers. We may learn a lot about what criminal behaviors have in common from crime shows.  An amazing crime show told the story of an attractive woman who wanted to […]

Why do liberals lie all the time?

Many people are perpetually angry with liberals.  “How can they be so stupid?”, they ask in varying degrees of outrage.  “Look at those windmills!  They don’t produce any power!  They cost a fortune and they break all the time!  They actually use electricity to keep the blades turning when the wind isn’t blowing!  They raise […]

He’s got your number.

It is always useful to imagine our Guardian Angel as a Programming Assistant.  He is assigned to help each of us human programs.  His job is to keep us focused on The Loving Programmer and obedient to His operating instructions Guardian Angels do another job.  They record our thoughts, words, and deeds.  Our own Guardian Angel may be pictured as a tiny recording […]

Temptations are demons. They are alive.

The  Seven Deadly Sins are:  Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Lust, and Sloth.  We may remember them with the acronym “PEGGALS”.   We understand sins more clearly when we realize they are spiritual beings.  They are alive. Each of the Seven Deadly Sins is a tribe of demons that specializes in attacks upon the seven different […]

Why would a God Who hates abortions allow miscarriages?

Catholic Fundamentalism is in touch with thousands of readers and commentators on Facebook.  Among them are Catholics, non-Catholics, and anti-Catholics. All have points to make.  Many anti-Catholics take being anti-Catholic so seriously they make a religion of it.  Many search for reasons for being anti-Catholic and eagerly let others know about them.  Lots of anti-Catholic […]

Today’s Reading is a BIG challenge.

The first part of today’s reading tells us human programs that we are being watched.  We understand that everything we think, say, and do is observes.  Believers realize that we have to be aware of being witnessed.  We are fools if we do not guide our actions accordingly. 1 Hebrews 12: 1-4: “Brothers and sisters: […]

A classic environmental lie has been discredited:

Catholic Fundamentalism used to write about endless, phoney environmental issues.  The lies, on Global Warming alone, were enough to sicken a normal mind.  Exaggerations, distortions, and outright fraud was endemic.  Catholic Fundamentalism used to think it was important to show how lies could draw even the most well-meaning souls into eternal damnation. Few, if any, […]