Catholics love The Holy Rosary! Why?

The Rosary holds the “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that God gave to St. Peter! The Rosary is God’s love for us and His Blessed Mother in words that come into our minds through our hands! The Rosary joins us with God! ~ Jesus Christ loves His Blessed Mother. Catholics know! We do not […]

Universal Truth! “God’s creatures are created to create!”

God created Creatures. What do the creatures in God’s Creation do? They “create” things. Therefore: The Creator created “creators”. Birds “create” nests. Beavers “create” dams. Sheep “create” wool. People “create” cloth made of wool. People “create” many thoughts. We turn them into words, things, and actions. God’s Creation shows us a Universal Truth! “God’s creatures […]

Catholics see why God made bats!

God Spoke Creation into Being. Some of His Words created animals. He made them to teach us lessons about Him! We have heard the expression “As blind as a bat!” Catholics see why God made bats! Bats provide a great truth! Bats do have eyes! Bats are living symbols for people who have eyes and […]

Protestantism: a History of willful disobedience.

Catholics see how simple History is! 1,700 years ago, The Profiteers of Protestantism embraced Arianism. Arianism began with Arius. He rejected two Teachings from Jesus Christ in The Bible! 1. John 10:30. “I and The Father are One.” 2. Matthew 16:18. “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build […]

All History in five words: “The Trotskys kill the Braunsteins.”

Every book about History describes good people and bad. Today, the name “Trotsky” describes bitter, angry people. “Braunstein” is a term for people who love God, Freedom, and their Families. The Trotsky’s are not blessed to live by what every Braunstein knows! 1. God Spoke Creation into Being. 2. God made Adam and Eve. 3. […]

What are the two kinds of people?

There are two kinds of people. 1. Grateful, happy people thank God for His great gift of life! 2. Ungrateful, angry people don’t think about God or the blessings He gave them. ~ Why do people become ungrateful and angry? They were not loved and protected from emotional abuse when they grew up. God is […]

I am not smart enough to figure this out. Are you?

We know what that is! It is a stone pipe! Who made it? An American Indian! He lived in The Stone Age! We see the hole in the top. That’s where tobacco was placed for smoking. We can figure out how that hole might have been made. We see a mother opossum with tiny babies […]

One Disciple is the “rock” who “walked on water”!

People know about The Miracles of Jesus. In One Miracle of Jesus, The Bible tells us that He “walked on water”. Catholics ask: “How did He do that?” We consider possibilities. 1. Jesus could suspend the Law of Gravity. Or 2. An “invisible rope” from Heaven held Him up. Catholics think that “invisible rope” is […]

We are all athletes in God’s stadium!

We are all athletes in God’s stadium! Catholics want to win! Who are The winning athletes in God’s Stadium? They are among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” Every Catholic strives to be among them! St. Paul’s gives us profound advice! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 tells us to work hard in God’s Stadium. […]