Protestantism automates “The Obedience Test”

Catholics wonder, “Why does God allow Protestantism to exist?” Jesus was very clear about the only people who may get into Heaven. “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” Protestantism automates “The Obedience Test”. For most of the thousand years between the Fall of Rome and Martin Luther, Europe was largely Catholic. Most […]

Protestants avoid many Bible passages.

Protestants avoid many Bible passages. St. John’s Second Letter to early Catholics has Bible passages that Protestants pass over. Christ’s most beloved Disciple was writing in the early years of The Only Church Jesus Founded. The first Catholic Bishops were founding many Catholic Churches. The Catholic Churches they Founded sent Catholic Representatives to Catholic Councils […]

We must pray for The Profiteers of Protestantism

We must pray for The Profiteers of Protestantism. They know The Bible! They know what Jesus has promised to those who willfully disobey Him: John 3:36 is frighteningly clear about Christ’s Promise to the willfully disobedient: “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not […]

the great hatred within Protestantism

What is the great hatred within Protestantism? The Profiteers of Protestantism avoid thinking about Judgment. They do not consider the fate of each immortal soul. The Profiteers of Protestantism focus on earthly concerns. Their deepest thinking is on a level with: “It’s important for us to feel real good about ourselves.” Jesus concentrated on immortal […]

Protestantism becomes an attack on logic.

Protestantism becomes an attack on logic. Protestants do begin with truth: “Jesus is God. God is never wrong. God is perfect in every way.” Protestants believe that Jesus was clear about His Mission: “I come to divide.” Jesus promised that He would separate wheat from weeds and sheep from goats. He told us how He […]

Protestantism: “God is wrong and I am right.”

The urge to believe, “I am as smart as God!” drove Eve to eat the apple. That vanity has been the mark of Protestantism since the Garden of Eden. Protestantism: “God is wrong and I am right.” Catholics are appalled! “How can anyone think they know more than God?” There are many examples. God says: […]

Protestantism provides a home for spoiled children of all ages

Protestantism provides a home for spoiled children of all ages. We have all seen “spoiled brats”. All they want is their own way! Spoiled children ignore their parents. “I won’t clean my room! I won’t make my bed! I won’t help around the house! I want to do what I want to do!” They ignore […]

Catholics enjoy the Protestant Marketing Plan Talking Points

Catholics enjoy the Protestant Marketing Plan Talking Points. 1. “I believe so I am saved.” Belief is only one step on the stairway to Heaven! Jesus was clear about who gets into Heaven! “You are My friends if you obey My commands.” 2. “It doesn’t matter what church you are in if you try to […]

Protestants love their Marketing Plans!

Protestants love their Marketing Plans! What is a Marketing Plan? “A marketing plan is a business document for outreach and advertising to generate leads and income from its target market.” What is Protestantism’s “target market”? People who are needy for praise. Protestant Marketing Plans include Talking Points like: “You are smart! You are good! You […]

Catholics remember

Catholics remember that The People of God have often suffered. Beginning about 588 BC, The Babylonian Captivity kept Jewish people in Babylon for about 70 years. Almost 2,000 years later, Catholic Leadership was held captive at Avignon, in France. The Avignon Captivity lasted between 1309 and 1377, another period of about 70 years. A couple […]