Catholics understand this about history:


Catholics understand this about history:   Protestantism began by inventing excuses to justify stealing property from The Catholic Church.   “The Church has accumulated assets for a thousand years!  We want some!”

Revelation 20 explains:  “The Thousand Year Reign” comes to an end when “the dragon is unchained from the abyss”.  For a thousand years, The Catholic Church was the spiritual ruler of Western Europe.  Then, Martin Luther.  “The dragon is unchained . . .”  The Only Church Jesus Founded began to be viciously attacked from within.

Luther’s narcissism drew him to break his vows of obedience and celibacy.   He, and others, became willing puppets of greedy men.

The obvious goal of Protestantism was to transfer Catholic assets to those who took them.   To keep people from revolting, the changes were camouflaged in corrupted theology.  Enlightened Judases explained.   “You can deal directly with God!  You do not need ‘middlemen’!  God will forgive your sins if you believe in Him.”
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At the same time, Indulgences were criminalized.    Catholic Indulgences were the real reason the devil hated The Only Church Jesus Founded!  The powers of hell were sick of seeing souls released from their torment by the prayers, donations, and good works of faithful Catholics.

Catholic Indulgences allowed sincere Catholics to make offerings of prayer, good works, and donation to The Church to save the souls of family and friends.  Since souls are the “coin of the realm” below, the devil and his demons were being impoverished by having souls snatched from their tortures.  They began devouring each other!

The devil read The Bible and realized “The Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Church was over.  He unhinged the early Protestant apologists with demons of vanity “unchained from the abyss”.  They invented, and printing presses spread, the necessary excuses for getting rid of Indulgences.

Protestantism on earth made hell a happier place.  As more were drawn to Protestantism, more souls were tortured without being saved by the powerful prayers of so many devout Catholics.


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