denying, lying, dying, crying, and frying

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There is a reason to be rhyming:   denying, lying, dying, crying, and frying.

Those blessed with the faith to be in The Only Church Jesus Founded are profoundly grateful!  We are not denying the clear call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated EIGHTEEN TIMES, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

We believe what He said so often was important to Him.  Therefore,  we do whatever we must to receive His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion.  We refuse to be among those denying because they believe those who, lying, insist  “Jesus didn’t mean what He said.  He meant something else.  Give me some money.”

We began by not denying.  Then, we turned our backs on lying,  and we have avoided dying!  We believe and obey.  We eat His Body.  We drink His Blood.  We have life in us!  Faithful, obedient communicant Catholics have, in actual fact, avoided dying!  The staggering truth is:  We have “life in” us!  Jesus said so!
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We are given the grace to be in The Only Church He Founded.   It is the only place on earth where, first, forgiveness of ours sins and then, the life of His Body and Blood are available.

We are not led from His Church by lying.

We are not deprived of His Body, Blood and dying.

We have the gates of Heaven opened by the keys He gave to Peter, saving us from flames and frying.

We are near to God in Heaven, not near gnashing teeth and crying.

Best to be Catholic, receive Absolution and forgiveness.  His Body and Blood give life within us.  Having Heaven’s joy forever.   Better to be with God’s Holy Angels flying than with those vain souls crying from denying, lying, dying and frying.


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