After Luther, The Great Winnowing:

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Five hundred years ago, the predictions in Revelation 20 came true.  “The Thousand Year Reign” of the Catholic Church over Western Christendom ended.  With Luther,  “The dragon was unchained from the abyss.”  After Luther, The Great Winnowing:

When “The dragon was unchained from the abyss.”, a thousand years of Catholic Kings came crashing down.   Greed was enthroned by guillotine.

Citizens were told:  “It does not matter if you are good or bad!  It does not matter if you are smart or dumb!   You have the right to choose your leaders!”  Many loved being told, “You are more than you are!”

Most were led from Catholic Communion to drink deeply of Democracy and delusion.  Few were bright enough to see how easily they were manipulated by the flood of propaganda flowing from the new printing presses.  They loved being told:  “If you think and vote as we instruct, you prove that you are smart and good!”

Every sort of sinner and sin was soon beguiled by the lunacy of “I am a good person!”  Questioning and quibbling became proof of self-worship’s higher order.

Vain men invented 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations of their own.  Hundreds of millions chose comforting, semi-Christian confusion.  “In our Democracy, any church that calls itself ‘Christian’ is just as good as The Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies!”, professional Protestants proclaimed in an orgy of relativity.
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Vanity and ignorance blinds most to the inevitable conclusions of self-worship.  The results of abandoning The Only Church Jesus Founded were made clear when Constantinople became Istanbul.

Still, The Faith Handed Down From The Apostles provides the only light that shines through death’s confusing clouds.

Those blessed to see that Jesus is God believe and obey the clear call to Catholic Communion He repeated eighteen times:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

After Luther, The Great Winnowing:  Goats are separated from sheep more easily than ever.  They let themselves be easily led away.




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