Protestantism’s most popular belief

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Protestantism’s most popular belief leads people away from heeding Jesus’ Great Command to receive Catholic Communion, “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
Any of Jesus’s inconvenient teachings are replaced with: “I am a good person. I believe in Jesus so I am saved!”

That is the high point of Protestantism. The air is thin, the sun is bright, and they believe!
Dying Mainline Denominations have tens of millions of members, shrinking steadily as they focus on “being relevant”. They invent theological Brand Identification. Some insist, “We are a friendly church!” Others, after much study prefer “We are a welcoming church!”

Many conclude: “I need no church!” Millions of do-it-yourself Protestants skip donations and denominations. Each proudly proclaims, “I am a good person. I believe in Jesus so I am saved!”

Some of them reach amazingly simple-minded conclusions: “I feel as close to God at a football game as I do in church!”

Many hear that and nod wisely, as if something intelligent has been said.
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Few recognize why things are as they are. “The Thousand Year Reign” of the Catholic Church over Western Christendom was predicted in The Book of Revelation. Also predicted was the fact that “the dragon will be unchained from the abyss.”
That happened 500 years ago. Luther and “theologians” of similar mind realized: “The Catholic Church has accumulated vast lands and assets over the past thousand years. We want it!”

Despite the dragon’s confusion, some are blessed to realize the importance of obeying He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies and His clear call to Catholic Communion: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Jesus repeated that Winnowing Command eighteen times. Those who respect Him obey.


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