The Lord’s Prayer says: “Be Catholic!”

Jesus wants us in Heaven.  He gave us the The Lord’s Prayer.  It leads us to The Only Church He Founded.   Where is it that The Lord’s Prayer says:  “Be Catholic!”?

It begins with “Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.   Thy kingdom come.”  It is clear that “Thy” and “Kingdom” are singular.  One God and One Kingdom.

43,000 ambitious Pastor Bobs have invented their own doorways to Heaven.  Protestant opinions range from “Abortion is so evil that anyone involved in procuring one is automatically excommunicated.” to “Sometimes, abortion is a sort of sacrament.”  Only those lost in the short-circuits of contradiction can believe that all 43,000 Pastor Bobisms provide access to Heaven.

“Thy will be done  on earth as it is in heaven.”  There is One will and One Heaven.  His will was to provide One Church.  He did not say:  “You may choose The Only Church Jesus Founded or whichever of the man-invented means of Salvation you like to get into Heaven.”

It is clear.  There is One God, one will, one door.  His will was made clear in the related passage John 6:53:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”
“Give us this day our daily bread,” has a twofold meaning.  We are told to request our earthly sustenance.  The less obvious reference is to The Bread that became His Body at The Last Supper and is re-presented at every Catholic Mass, the only thing on earth about which He said “you do not have life in you.”
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The temptation facing every human is thinking he or she can tell God “Let me into Heaven because I am a good person.” and that God will obey.  That is the sheerest lunacy.  The truth is that God will let His friends into Heaven.  Who does He tell us His friends are?  “If you obey My commands you are My friends.”
What is the “evil” from which we ask to be delivered?  The greatest of evils is the worship of self.  “I can follow Martin Luther, Jimmy Swaggart, or any Pastor Bob I want.  I do not need The Only Church Jesus Founded.  When it comes to getting into Heaven, I can do it myself!”

Thus do we see:   The Lord’s Prayer says:  “Be Catholic!”




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