The heart of every Pastor Bob beats with the refrain “I am just as good as any multi-millionaire mega-church minister. And, I am just as good as some penniless Catholic priest who takes vows of Celibacy, Obedience, and Poverty. My denomination and I are just as good as any!”
Catholics ask, “How can a denomination invented by a man, whether greedy and ambitious or modest and humble, be as close to God as The Only Church Jesus Founded?”
Pastor Bob’s great, yawning gap is between him and The Only Church Jesus Founded.
“We’re just as good! We’re just as good! We do all the things we should!” sing 43,000 brands of Pastor Bobs from the musical parts of the Marketing Plans developed by their inventive founders.
Some leave the 43,000 Pastor Bobisms and cross the canyon to The Only Church Jesus Founded. Others leave The Only Church Jesus Founded and cross the deep divide for one of the Pastor Bobs denominations.
Why would anyone leave The Only Church Founded by He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies to be in a group invented by an ambitious man with a Marketing Plan?
Some have fallen into sin that separates them from Jesus. Other are so vain they say “I want to do it my way.”
Why would anyone be so short-sighted?
It is a great mystery.