Explaining Protestant inconsistency

Explaining Protestant inconsistency in less than a minute?  Protestant beliefs rightly include:  “Jesus fulfilled the Prophecies.   He is The Second Person of The Trinity.  Jesus is God and He came to earth to sacrifice Himself for our sins.”

Protestants are familiar with Jesus’ teaching about The Only Church He Founded:  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  Protestants, by definition, are not in The Catholic Church.  “I love God and I love my neighbor.  I like my church. ”

Those Protestants generally have higher moral standards  than those whose belief is as simple as “I am a good person.”  They are far ahead of those who give more completely to illicit desires.

Explaining Protestant inconsistency centers on Jesus as being infallible.  He did clearly teach about His Church:  “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  His words are direct and clear.  Protestants usually justify not being Catholic because they have been told things like:  “The Catholic Church was okay until it started selling indulgences and letting people buy their way into Heaven.”

Our challenge is to remind that Jesus said of His Church, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  So, we either believe Jesus was telling the truth or we believe that the admittedly ridiculous 43,000 schisms were each founded by a typical Protestant Man with a Marketing Plan who is more credible than Jesus.

A look at the indulgence issue shows that sincerely penitent, repentant people were provided opportunities, as we are today, to make some reparation for sins, and reducing some punishment for them,  by contributing to the good works done by The Only Church Jesus Founded.

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Explaining Protestant inconsistency begins by showing that the early Protestants’ wanted to confiscate Church property and income streams.  That was a powerful financial motive for the typical ambitious Protestant Man with a Marketing Plan.  The desire for riches prompted professional Protestants to demonize soul-saving indulgences.  The devil wanted fewer opportunities for people to help their souls.  The devil wanted to destroy, not provide aid to, The Church’s orphanages, hospitals, and schools.

Many Protestants simply do not know the facts about issues like Indulgences.   The truth is The Church’s greatest ally, separating those drawn to it from those more motivated by earthly desires.

And, it separates those who embrace those lies.  They end up avoiding The Only Church Jesus Founded.  They go through what passes for “life” unable to obey Jesus Great Winnowing Command:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”  They choose not to do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion.




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