Must truly Pro-Life people be Catholic?

Isaiah 65: 17-21 speaks to Pro-Life Catholics today from the Old Testament.  Pro-Life people understand and heed Isaiah.  Must truly Pro-Life people be Catholic?

“Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth;  The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind.  Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create;”

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Wow!  “rejoicing and happiness”!  That’s something for the bitter, angry and unhappy to hate!   Moslems, Communists, and grim-faced levelers of every age cannot abide, and strive to destroy, “there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create.”
 “For I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight;  I will rejoice in Jerusalem and exult in my people.  No longer shall the sound of weeping be heard there, or the sound of crying;”  Among the chosen, there is joy.  Among the lost?  Bitterness becomes institutionalized.
Then, Isaiah makes great winnowing statement that Pro-Life people understand.  “No longer shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,”   Consider how perfectly the prophet predicts life-destroying evil:   The “infant who lives but a few days” describes those tiniest of babies who are killed by abortion-inducing artificial birth control chemicals and devices.

Those who love death are also deprived, in God’s Kingdom, of euthanizing the elderly.  They are as cherished as the tiniest baby:  “or an old man who does not round out his full lifetime;  He dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years, and he who fails of a hundred shall be thought accursed.”

God further shows His preference for life, freedom, joy, self-sufficiency, and individual work and profit.  “They shall live in the houses they build, and eat the fruit of the vineyards they plant.”
Is it any wonder that those possessed by pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth prefer death and regulation to life and freedom?  Is it a surprise they like the devil and hate their neighbors more than they love God and those around them?Now, it was not until later times that all were able to see that the tiniest baby IS a baby.   The Catholic Church saw that.   Her teachings reflect God’s love of life.  Is a denomination without that determination as respectable?
Must truly Pro-Life people be Catholic?
Being Pro-Life certainly helps to show that we do more than merely believe.  Aren’t Pro-Life Catholics likelier to be among those whom He Who Fulfilled the Prophets described by saying, “If you obey My commands, you are My friends.”?
Being Pro-Life and Catholic covers all the bases!


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