Catholic Fundamentalism’s new view of God

Many moderns are taught to ignore the concept of God.  A new vision of God shows that belief is reasonable.  Catholic Fundamentalism’s new view of God helps moderns more than old Iron Age words and concepts.

John 1:1-18 open the door to a new understanding:  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.”

Modern technology lets us visualize God The Father as “The Loving Programmer”. He programs in what most may easily imagine as 3-D pixels.  They are the building blocks with which He wrote the huge, trillion-galaxy stage set that is The Creation Program.  Is is an “infinite-looking” stage set for a huge, long-running movie with several billion “actors”, each of us writing our own lines during our time before the camera.

What St. John described as “The Word” is actually The Creation Program. How did The Loving Programmer produce The Program?

The Holy Spirit is The Verb, the actual process of Programming.  The Loving Programmer Programmed by Programming.  In the Iron Age, they were known as The Father and The Holy Spirit.

The Loving Programmer programed The Program.  The Program took human form and came among us.   Now, we see a new, vivid meaning of  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.  All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.”

The new description reflects the fullness of The Holy Trinity’s power to program and download particles, energies, and compilations of them into ongoing systems and beings. Plant and Animal Programs are among His replicating, living systems.  The sub-programs increase in complexity until they get to us humans.  We are free-will programs.   The saving of our immortal souls are the reason for The Creation Program.

Each human soul is our individual program, around which all of our human sub-programs are downloaded.  We grow by absorbing building blocks from the 3-D pixels that make up the countless sub-programs of The Creation Program in which we are downloaded.

John describes The Creation Program as “The Word”.  We see what The Roman Catholic Church was blessed from its beginning to understand. “The Word”, which is the only way St. John could describe “The Creation Program” in The Iron Age.

The human forms got corrupted along the way.  In order to let those who would choose to believe and obey purify their programs and be saved, The Program took human form and came among us.

With that in mind, please take another look at:  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.”

See how it is easier for many moderns to understand?  It’s our duty to help others with this new vision:  “In the beginning was The Loving Programmer, The Program, and Programming. The Program took human form and came among us to let those who choose to obey The Programming Instructions purge corruption from their own program so that it may live joyfully in Heaven forever!”

That begins Catholic Fundamentalism’s new view of God.   Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are “Loving Programmer, The Program, and Programming.”

Heaven, of course, is having our human programs found fit to spend a joyful eternity with The Programmer, The Program, and Programming.
