Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes!

greedyMatthew 18:42 and Matthew 27:22 are clear. They report that Pontius Pilate gave an angry mobs of Jews a choice. Either Jesus or Barabbas could be released. “The crowd cried out for Barabbas.”

A new understanding tells us what few understand: Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes! Money was changing hands.

Why was that mob so different from the crowd who cheered and waved palm branches when Jesus entered Jerusalem a few days earlier. The mob before Pilate was composed of paid, low-level political operatives. It was the Jerusalem Establishment’s “Rent-a-Mob”.

That new realization helps us realize that this prior conversation took place:

Jerusalem Establishment: “Governor, we give big contributions, both to all you Governors and to Caesar. If you do not kill this Jesus, He will destroy our entire Political/Religious Temple. Now, Jews bring money to us, in Jerusalem, from all over the world. If Jesus stops that cash flow, we won’t have money to give you. If you crucify Jesus, people will know they have to keep giving money to us. He’s such a dangerous influence that if you do not get rid of Jesus, there’s no way we can continue giving money to you highly-placed Romans.”

Pilate: “But, the crowds love Jesus! They were out throwing their cloaks in front of the colt Jesus rode into town. They cheer Jesus at the Temple. They love Jesus! If I crucify Jesus, I’ll have a riot on my hands. That will make me look bad in Rome!”

Jerusalem Establishment: “We’ll handle that. Between our Temple guards, employees, local rabbis, and all the contractors we hire, plus all their families and everyone dependent on the income we generate, we can have a mob that fills the courtyard. Jesus’ followers will be kept out, with our swords, if necessary! Our Rent-a-Mob will be screaming for you to kill Jesus! You have to release someone. We’ll have our Rent-a-Mob cry out “Barabbas!” They’ll take the blame. You’ll be off the hook.”

Pilate: “I’ll get a bowl of water, wash my hands of the whole thing, and say it’s your fault. You have them say, ‘The blood be on our hands forever!’ and I’ll be off the hook!”

Then, the conversation turned to negotiating just how much Pilate would receive for the “important public service” he was providing. Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes!

Mt 28:8-15 tells us, again, how much the Romans were influenced by bribes. When “Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce the news to his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them on their way and greeted them. They approached, embraced his feet, and did him homage. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”

The tomb, guarded by Roman soldiers, was empty. Jesus wasn’t there! The Jerusalem Establishment could not admit He’d risen from the dead. But, sleeping on duty was an offense punishable by death. The Guards were in trouble! What would happen? Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes!

“. . . some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had happened. The chief priests assembled with the elders and took counsel;”

What do you suppose they did to get out of this, second dilemma? What they had previously done: “then they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, telling them, ‘You are to say, His disciples came by night and stole him while we were asleep.’”

Two bribes in three days! Another bribe was promised: “‘And if this gets to the ears of the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.’
The soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story has circulated among the Jews to the present day.”

Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes!

Those at war with God continue to fight the same battles. Behind the scenes in Jerusalem, bribes! Behind the scenes in closing Catholic hospitals and schools to drive people and their into other facilities? Some things never change.

Our choice is clear in every age. Jesus, and The Only Church He Founded, or Babylon and the ravenous dragon.
