When needs overpower Creed, chaos reigns.

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43,000 Protestant groups are chaos! Catholicism is consistency. When needs overpower Creed, chaos reigns. Consider a conversation:

Protestant: “I truly believe in Jesus and The Bible.”

Catholic: “The Bible quotes Jesus. He clearly said, ‘Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ You say you truly believe in Jesus and The Bible. Why aren’t you a Catholic?”

Protestant: “Well, there’s more to it than that.”

Catholic: “Give me a call. We’ll talk about it. My phone number is (555) 712-2242.”

Protestant: “I don’t believe that! I think your phone number is (554) 712-2242, and that’s the number I’m calling!”

Catholic: “No, my phone number is (555) 712-2242. It’s in the book. Directory Assistance will tell you that (555) 712-2242 is my number!”

Protestant: “I believe that you are right on nine of the numbers, but you are wrong on the tenth.”

There is not one Christian of any denomination who would object to believing in all ten numbers in a phone number! So, why would anyone say “I truly believe in Jesus and The Bible.” and intentionally ignore or twist Jesus’ Biblical words about the infallibility of The Only Church He Founded: ‘Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?

What need overpowers that Creed? We see similar contradictions in politics. “I teach history and economics. It is a fact that nations are more prosperous when taxes are low, but the only way I can get a raise is if taxes are increased.”

When needs overpower Creed, chaos reigns. What is the need? We see more confusion as souls fall farther.

Distance from Catholicism brings more contradiction and chaos. “I believe in Jesus and The Bible. I love God and my neighbor. I am pro-choice because there are just too many poor people having babies. Abortion is the only way to keep us from being overrun by them.” Many would rather that abortionists kill those children rather than follow Church teaching that poor people are as able to learn chastity and moral restraint as others.

Who has fallen farther from Catholicism, those Pro-Choice Protestants and their supporters or those who will admit: “I’m a good person because I only lie when I need to.”?

Does that honesty make such souls more likely to be saved than pro-Choice Protestants who favor killing unborn children while saying they love their neighbors? Can anyone be more offensive to God than those who are, or who support, Pro-Choice Protestants?
