Hard questions for Protestants include:

12036583_1087477851262287_3617349992677860251_n.jpg  modern contradiction

Hard question for Protestants include: “Why do you prefer the shifting sands of your denomination to the bedrock of The Only Church Jesus Founded?”

Are the 43,000 denominations, each invented and changed by an ambitious Protestant man with a Marketing Plan, right to change their doctrines to draw donations?

Does disapproving of rampant divorce drive donors away? Typical twaddle to traduce traditional teaching includes, “We must adapt to the changing needs of our beloved neighbors.” Do you approve of such platitudes?

When Protestant denominations allow artificial birth control chemicals and devices that work by killing the tiniest of unborn babies, do you care? Are you bothered they say “We must not drive people away from our church by keeping them from the love they feel.”?

Do you find it disgusting to hear “We are a kindly, sensitive denomination and would not dare to deprive anyone of the right to have a ‘therapeutic abortion’.”?

43,000 brands of Protestantism change on every issue. God does not change. His teaching does not change. The Catholic Church has never changed any teaching of The Faith Handed Down From The Apostles.

Can we get our souls to Heaven by following the teachings of those who change doctrines to drive donations?

We change. Our livelihoods change. Businesses change. Styles change. Products change. Priorities change. Governments change. Political systems change.

And, we cannot help but see that every Protestant denomination has made substantive changes to their founding beliefs.

Opposed to all that shallow shifting? God. God does not change. The Only Church Founded By He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies does not change. Does God want us to have our souls guided by Catholic Consistency or worldly whims?

Isn’t it best to be Catholic?
