Catholic Kings or corrupt democracies?


The Loving Programmer wrote and downloaded the vast Creation Program. We human programs live in The Creation Program and will work well, or badly, with our neighbors. Now, many ask, Catholic Kings or corrupt democracies?

Once, God appointed Judges to make judicial decisions for the Twelve Tribes. That system worked.

As the Hebrews lost confidence in the God Who’d led them out of Egypt, they decided God’s Judges were no longer enough. “We want a king!”

God warned them. “He’ll confiscate your property, draft your children, raise your taxes, and boss you around.”

The people didn’t care. “We want a King!”

God agreed.

King Saul didn’t work out too well. God replaced him with King David. He did a better job. David’s descendants ran things for several generations. Sometimes, the Kings did what God wanted. Other times, they followed the devil’s instructions and allowed child sacrifice and idol worship.
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Finally, God got sick of the Kings. Rome’s iron fist smashed all who dared to rebel.

After Rome finally fell, Catholic Kings ruled much of Europe. People complained, again. “We want to determine our own destiny. We want Democracy!”

We may imagine The Loving Programmer rolling His eyes. “Self-important nincompoops never understand that I allow governments to exist and be replaced simply to separate those who love their neighbors from those who don’t. Separating sheep from goats is a largely automated process unwittingly accomplished by the governments of the vain.”

God gave them the desired democracies and republics. As those systems failed, He allowed new generations of vain, bossy people to download governments Congresses, Committees, and Commissars.

Now, almost all of Europe is collapsing. It has come full circle. The descendants of those clamoring for democracy are beginning to realize that the worst Catholic Kings did a better job than their replacements.

Today, impoverished and threatened by inane and hurtful governments, more people answer “Catholic Kings or corrupt democracies?” with a growing realization that Catholic Kings care more for them than elected officials.


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