Think of sin. Stink of sin. Sink in sin.

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Sin separates souls from God. First, we think of sin. Then, we stink of sin. Then, we sink in sin. Think of sin. Stink of sin. Sink in sin. Our immortal soul may be lost to everlasting pain.

If our soul is stained with sin, we may cleanse it. According to Mt. 16: 18-20 and John 20:23, our soul is able to receive Absolution from priests ordained in living link with Jesus’ Ordination of The Apostles.

Even Protestants know that Jesus specifically gave no one else on earth the power to forgive sins except The Apostles He Ordained. He said directly to His Ordained Apostles, and to no one else: “Whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”
See how simple that is? He gave those whom He ordained as the First Bishops in The Only Church He Founded the power to forgive sins.

Obviously, He wanted future generations to have their sins forgiven, if they chose to obey His instruction. So, that power to forgive was passed to each Catholic priest ordained in living link with The Apostles.

Is there a greater sin than to tell a sinner: “Forget John 20:23. Jesus didn’t mean what He said. You do not need a Catholic priest to forgive your sins. All you need to do is ask and you will be automatically forgiven. All we need to do to be saved is to believe and God will forgive us.”?

This is where the sheep are separated from the goats. The simple-minded vanity of merely repeating “I believe in Jesus and The Bible so I am saved.” runs into the actual words of Jesus to His Ordained: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.” In John 20:23 and Mt. 16:18-20, He clearly gave Catholic priests the power to forgive sins. Those who knowingly teach others to deny Jesus’ Personal Instructions are committing a sin of Millstone Magnitude.

Would a person who truly believed in God’s power tell another “Ignore John 20:23 and all that Catholic stuff. You can save yourself by yourself.”? Or, is such a person be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, leading souls astray?

Who would be so Millstone-vain as to tell someone “Ignore the specific words of Jesus regarding the forgiveness of your sins.”? Would anyone claiming to be a “person of God” do that?

Think of sin. Stink of sin. Sink in sin.
