Catholics pray: May all love God in a meaningful way. #62.

St. Faustina tells us to pray for our neighbors, including those who work hard to keep souls from Heaven.

Question 1: “How do Catholics spend our life on earth?”

Answer: “We focus on saving our immortal soul from the eternal agony of hell.”


Question 2: “How do Catholics do that?”

Answer: “We are the only people blessed to meaningfully understand where Jesus left ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”


Question 3: “Where did Jesus leave ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “Jesus gave them to the person He chose to be The First Catholic Pope of The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Church-Creating Word:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4: “What happens to the souls of people who reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus died to leave on earth?”

Answer: “We all stand before God at Judgment. In less time than it takes to blink an eye, He will decide if rejecting His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ was knowing, willful, or beyond their control.”


Question 5: “Why do some people choose to reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’Jesus died to leave to His Catholic Church on earth?”

Answer: “Evil forces lead many to become Victims of every kind of Protestantism: ‘My highest duty is to get more for myself and my friends, no matter how much I hurt neighbors and families.’


Question 6: “How do we identify those who serve themselves instead of God and their neighbors?”

Answer: “Catholics are grateful to every media that identifies people who hate us by praising them. They also identify those who help us when they criticize or ignore everyone who defends Faith, Freedom, and Families.”


Question 7: “Why do many media attack those who support Faith, Families, and Freedom?

Answer: “The media are ‘friends’ of those who give them monopolies.”


Question 8: “How do Catholics deal with those who hurt their neighbors?”

Answer: “We pray that all of us will love God and Truth enough to repent for willfully ‘bearing false witness’ before our souls go to God’s Judgment.”


Question 9: “How much time does a person need to repent and ask God for forgiveness?”

Answer: “St. Faustina 1507: ‘All grace flows from mercy, and the last hour abounds with mercy for us. Let no one doubt concerning the goodness of God; even if a person’s sins were as dark as night, God’s mercy is stronger than our misery.’

St. Faustina assures us that the devil and his demons hate last-minute pleas for God’s Forgiveness that save many souls from their everlasting agony.”


The Diary of St. Faustina is available in the “Books” section at the top of this page at no cost. May all be blessed to take an important step toward God by reading it.

