Love Your Neighbor or Kill Your Neighbor

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Each of us must choose: Love Your Neighbor or Kill Your Neighbor. As invading hordes of “Kill Your Neighbor” sects marched across North America, many did their “Christian duty” by exterminating the Indians. In lands settled by “Love Your Neighbor” Catholics, The Church taught it was their Christian duty to protect native peoples. The Church did that so well that over 90% of Latin American populations now have Indian DNA.

In the last half-century, those in the “Kill Your Neighbor” faction have killed a billion unborn babies.

There are many sincere Pro-Life, “Love Your Neighbor” Protestants. They are usually politically paralyzed by the “Kill Your Neighbor” Protestants in their congregations. The Kill Your Neighbor believers tell those who will listen: “Poor people multiply like rabbits. If we don’t encourage them to abort their babies, they will destroy us.”

Most Protestant pastors can’t afford to offend any group of donors. So, they paralyze Pro-Life Protestants with confusion: “I am personally opposed to abortion, but I must believe in a woman’s right to choose.” They are taught to nod wisely and intone sincerely as they solemnly spew such self-serving drivel. Souls headed for hell in a hand-basket will tolerate and support such deception.

Now, mmany nations are being ravaged by Moslems. The same Kill Your Neighbor Protestants who ignored their own slaughters of Indians, Irishmen, Aborigines, Jews, Gypsies, and other inconvenient people now say, “Those Kill Your Neighbor Moslems have to be stopped!”

Today, many Moslems say openly that it is their “duty” to exterminate all who disagree with them. They are a more honest kind of “Kill Your Neighbor” believer than the far deadlier Kill Your Neighbor Protestants of supposedly “Christian” beliefs.

Moslems have always been “The Scourge of God”. Now, “The Scourge of God” is falling upon other “Kill Your Neighbor” believers and they don’t like it!
