Catholicism cures contradictions


Contradictions destroy the mind with short-circuits. Mental health and consistency go hand in hand. Protestantism is based on contradiction. Catholicism cures contradictions. It is the only cure.

Protestant inconsistency began with greed. “We want Catholic property! We will invent our own religions to justify taking it!”

Political leaders found Catholics who would attack The Church. Phillip of Hess found Luther. Henry VIII found Cranmer. The City of Geneva found Calvin.

Catholic land and property was confiscated and given to politically-connected Protestants. The new printing presses produced Protestant propaganda that “proved” Catholics who sincerely sought indulgences to avoid Purgatorial suffering were committing a greater crime than those who killed over a million of their Catholic neighbors and stole their property!

Protestantism crystallized into complete contradiction: “We killed more than a million Catholics in Ireland, Scotland, and England. We stole expensive buildings and a third of the land in England from The Only Church Jesus Founded. We are newly minted multi-millionaires who turned monasteries into our own massive mansions and vast estates! And, we will get to Heaven because we believe in Jesus and The Bible.”

Venal men dressed in confiscated Catholic vestments and preached “Thou shalt not steal!” from the pulpits of churches they’d stolen from The Church. In England, the King or Queen replaced the Pope as head of its pseudo-Catholic Protestantism that had the gall to preach “Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me.”

Entire Books of The Bible that reinforced Catholic Doctrine were removed. This passage from Revelation was allowed to remain: “If anyone cuts anything out of the prophecies in this Book, God will cut off his share of the tree of life.. .”

Early Protestantism included such corrupting contradictions that they say they are saved even as they retain a passage that proves they were cursed. They do not even notice.
