Obedience or arrogance?

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Protestantisms boil down to “I am as close to God as I need to be.” Obedience or arrogance?

Catholics know their place: “He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies was very emphatic about the need to receive Communion in The Only Church He Founded. Since Jesus said a dozen times If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you., I am going to center my life around that.”

Protestants disdainfully reply, “That’s for Catholics. We are among ‘the elect’. We have been chosen by God to do well on earth. Our reward in Heaven is certain.”

Catholics heed Christ’s words to His Apostles and priests ordained in living link with them. John 20:23, “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.” Obedient Catholics humbly ask priests in The Only Church Jesus Founded for forgiveness.

Protestants believe: “I deal directly with God! He forgives me my sins as soon as I ask. None of that Catholic mumbo-jumbo for me!”

After ignoring Christ’s instruction “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”, Protestants add the disobedience of “I have my own sins forgiven any time I want.” Then, in another burst of self-righteousness, many announce: “I have a personal relationship with My Jesus!”

Humble, God-fearing Catholics see the danger of disobedience. Ignoring His instructions to seek Absolution and receive Catholic Communion is added to delusional proclamations of equality with God. It is impossible for those choices to put any soul among those of whom Jesus said: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

Catholics ask, “If we are not among His friends, mustn’t we be among His enemies? Would He let His enemies into Heaven?”
