Ask God to save public officials.


Pennsylvania’s Governor Wolf has given us a perfect example of the confusing, contradictory thoughts that keep people from focusing on saving their own soul. Powerful public officials are particularly susceptible to soul-destroying contradictions. That is why we: Ask God to save public officials.

A perfect example of the moral confusion in which we live:

Pennsylvania’s pro-choice Governor signed new Children’s Safety Seat Legislation while saying:

“We have no greater responsibility as public servants than protecting our most vulnerable, including especially young children, . . .” Governor Wolf said.

Please, read that again: ““We have no greater responsibility as public servants than protecting our most vulnerable, including especially young children, . . .”

He is pro-choice. Every week, hundreds of unborn Pennsylvania children are killed by abortionists. He does absolutely nothing to protect a single one of them. In fact, he has helped escort pregnant women past Pro-Life demonstrators to get them into the abortionists’ chambers.

It is hard to fathom the depth of the awful contradiction: As Governor Wolf allows the slaughter of innocents to continue, He says “We have no greater responsibility as public servants than protecting our most vulnerable, including especially young children. . . .”

Amazingly, millions of lost souls do not notice such contradictions. They blind themselves to their own double standard, even to the point of taking money from taxpayers to fund groups whose members make a living by killing “especially young children“.

What hope is there for such souls at Judgment? We must pray for them, hoping that they may see the great error of their ways while they have time to seek forgiveness.
