Since Adam and Eve, “Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.”

Catholics know: “Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.”

Catholics know: “Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.”


Question 1: “Should we all work harder to make the world a better place?”

Answer: “Catholics understand that God set up the world with This Operating Principle: ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’


Question 2: “What about people who want to get to Heaven?”

Answer: “They obey The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope and get these ‘keys’: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 3: “How do those who reject the ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ find appealing reasons to justify their desire to go to hell?”

Answer: “Those who ‘protest’ God’s Word have been inventing ‘Hurtful Agencies’ since Eve ate
the ‘forbidden fruit’ and Korah disobeyed Moses. Today, they give reasons to reject Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ because: ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’


Question 3: “How do ‘Hurtful Agencies’ provide ways to hell?”

Answer: “All ‘Hurtful Agencies’ believe the sins of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth are virtues. God lets them do that because ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’


Question 5: “Do leaders invent and use ‘Hurtful Public Agencies’ to empower themselves?”

Answer: “‘Pyramid Agencies’ enslaved Egyptian and American Indian Peoples for thousands of years. ‘Wall Agencies’ enslaved millions of European and Chinese Peoples. ‘Sacrificing Agencies’ killed countless Babylonian babies. ‘Hurtful Agencies’ have been harming Peoples for thousands of years because ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’


Question 6: “Are there ‘Helpful Public Agencies’?”

Answer: “‘Helpful Energy Agencies’ once built dams and nuclear power plants that produced electricity for less than two cents a kilowatt hour. Now, helpful dams and reactors are being destroyed and replaced with 340,000 huge windmills. They provide energy for a dollar a kilowatt hour, when the wind is blowing, because ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’


Question 7: “How do we identify those in ‘Hurtful Agencies’?”

Answer: “They ‘bear false witness’ by pretending it is ‘helpful’ to make themselves richer while making their neighbors poorer.”


Question 8: “Why doesn’t God stop ‘Hurtful Agencies’ from harming their neighbors?”

Answer: “God’s Plan is clear to Catholics: ‘Everyone who wants to go to hell must have a way to get there.’

