History of Imperialistic Protestantism. 1

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When Henry VIII took power, The Catholic Church owned a third of England. “We want that land!” lusted many close to the throne. “The King is a third-stage syphilitic. Half the time, he doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going. Let’s get him to confiscate Church property and give it to us!”

Henry was easily distracted, obsessed with women and whatever target at whom he could be aimed. His best and most brilliant advisor, Thomas More, was soon executed and out of the way. Cranmer and other leading “Protestant Theologians” manipulated Henry into leaving The Church, appointing himself “Pope”, confiscating the vast lands and buildings that had been given to The Church over the preceding thousand years, and giving those properties to his favorites.

Thus English Protestantism began. “Theologians” were ordered to justify separation from Rome. Their silliest excuse was “The Catholic Church lets sincerely repentant people avoid punishment in Purgatory by donating to The Church. We have to get rid of those ‘indulgences’. Indulgences just let The Church get money that should be going to us!”

Indulgences were not bad. They had been going on since The Old Testament Maccabees offered sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem for the souls of comrades who had died in a state of sin. “Make up reasons to take those Books out of The Bible!”, the new “theologians” were commanded. “While you’re at it, get rid of Purgatory, too!”

Protestant theologians complied, getting very good livings in exchange. They dressed up as Catholic priests and bishops, often wearing the same vestments stolen from the real priests and bishops whom they had murdered. “Keep wearing those vestments. Make the liturgies similar. The only people we will allow to get ahead must pretend to believe in our wonderful new religion!”

The new, Counterfeit Catholicism did not require priestly vows of celibacy or poverty. Vain, venal men realized, “Now, we can be in the clergy and have sex! Protestantism beats having to get a real job!”

Similar desires were justified by “New Theologians”. They did, and do, crank out lies for money.
