History of Imperialistic Protestantism. 2

gal_chippewa_02_full.jpg Indian wars

King Henry the Eighth made it legal to steal Church Property.   One third of England was owned by The Church.  It was used for schools, monasteries, hospitals, churches, and accommodations for the poor.  Henry gave it to his favorites, making them “instant billionaires”.  Faithful Catholics were martyred.  Many were forced to convert.

Ambitious Protestant theologians realized: “Our new theology allows us to steal property from The Church and from those who remain Catholic.  Our new, Protestant theology combines Church and State. We have a legal duty to steal and kill! The world is our oyster!”

70,000 English Catholics were killed.  Their property given to loyalists. Imperialistic Protestants killed over a million Irish men, women, and children for being Catholic. Their lands were given to Henry’s favorites.

Other Protestants invented their own denominations.  They were persecuted by Anglicans.  Pilgrims, and others, fled from Protestant persecution to  North America.  They had a “Thanksgiving Dinner” with local Indians. Military veterans among them realized, “We have guns. The Indians don’t!” In the next 250 years, countless millions of Indians and hundreds of thousands of their villages disappeared.

Armies and navies with modern weapons let Imperialistic Protestants plunder nearly every land on earth. Australia, New Zealand, India, the Pakistans, Afghanistan, Egypt, Africa, Canada, Pre-Revolutionary American colonies, the Middle East, Caribbean Islands, parts of South America, all were plundered. The “Sun never set” on the Imperialistic Protestant’s Empire.

Catholic settlements were different. After Cortez and 400 incredibly brave Catholic soldiers had overthrown the evil Aztec Theocracy.  It was based on slavery, cannibalism, torture, and human sacrifice.   The Catholic Church guided Catholic Monarchs. Soon, Catholic Orders and priests were building missions, schools, churches, and hospitals for native people from California to Chile to China to Manila.

The difference between Protestant Imperialists and Catholics is clear.  Today, nations settled by Catholics have populations with 80-90% Indian DNA and very few abortions.

Nations settled by Imperialistic Protestants have less than 3% of their people with Indian DNA and countless abortions.  Billions more of their unborn children are killed by abortion-inducing birth control.

Those who are honest enough to understand hear the clear call to Catholicism, if only to pray for the souls of sinful ancestors led astray by Imperialistic Protestantism.
