
We may remember the passage,

“The Assyrian came down, like the wolf on the fold,
And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold.”

That’s how Lord Byron began his description of Sennacherib’s attack on Jerusalem around 701 BC. The First Programming Log (Old Testament, 2 Kings, 19:35) described what happened when 185,000 Assyrians prepared to attack God’s holy people in His holy city.

The priests and people prayed for deliverance. Their prayers were heard, and answered. The Programmer’s top programming assistants wiped out the entire Assyrian force in one night.

We who love truth and life are still under attack by Assyrian equivalents. If enough of us begged The Programmer to protect us by reprogramming 185,000 of the most destructive human programs, we would get the same results as did the residents of Jerusalem. He frequently reprogrammed people. St. Paul’s vision, blindness, and conversion are a perfect example.

We do not know who the 185,000 of life’s worst enemies are. There are invisible destroyers calling the shots behind the front lines of those who publicly attack life and truth. So, it’s best to leave the selection of the 185,000 people whose reprogramming would do the most good up to The Programmer.

He knows who they are, and, if we ask, He’ll take care of them.

We may request programming assistance:

“Dear Heavenly Father, since You are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, You love us as much as you loved those who believed in You 2700 years ago. Please protect us the way you protected them against worshippers of false gods. Please reprogram the 185,000 most dangerous to your faithful so they will love You and their neighbors.”
