How does the “smart money” bet?


The immortal spark that came into being at the moment of our conception will live forever.   We spend our lives deciding where our soul will go.  How does the “smart money” bet?

No serious searcher can deny that the Prophets’ predicted the coming of The Messiah.  Out of a hundred thousand towns and villages in and around the Roman Empire, it was predicted that He would be born in Bethlehem.  Out of a hundred million people, it was predicted that He would born of The Twelve Tribes.  Out of  the Twelve Tribes, it was predicted He would be born in the Tribe of Judah.  Out of that Tribe, it was predicted that He would be born of the House of David.  The date was predicted so accurately by Daniel that the Wise Men arrived at the appointed time and place.

It was predicted:  “No bone of His would be broken.”  “He would be lifted up before men.”  “They would look upon He Whom they pierced.”  The odds that Jesus was The Messiah?  Trillions to one.

The “smart money” would buy a lottery ticket with those odds.  Smart people bet their souls on those odds by living so that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies will, from His Throne in Heaven, grant their immortal soul entry into Heaven.

Many claim:  “If you are in my church, you will go to Heaven.”

Smarter people look at the odds.  “There are 45,000 denominations.   Did Jesus found any of those denominations?”

The “smart money” sees that Jesus said:  “Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”  How does the “smart money” bet?

Those whose minds are clear of contradictions and human concerns realize, “The Only Church He Founded is the smart bet!  Why?  It is the only Church to which He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies has given ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”

