#2. The Perfect Symbol of Willful Protestantism: Peace Pipe Tomahawks.

. The evil confusion! Willful Protestants turned Peace Pipes into Tomahawks!

Willful Protestants replaced The Catholic Church in England. Their Government Church drove competing groups of Willful Protestants out of England. Many, like the Pilgrims, ended up in North America. They found that millions of American Indians were still living in The Stone Age.

Indians had no guns! But, they did have Peace Pipes.


Land-Grabbing Protestants understood! “Indians love their Peace Pipes. One of their stone Peace Pipes can take a month for one man to make! They break if they are dropped. We can make cheap Peace Pipes out of brass with pipe stems of strong, hollow dowels made of wood!”

They invented a new kind of “Peace Pipe”! Some Willful Protestant put a brass Peace Pipe on top of a tomahawk! Investors realized: “We can take over and destroy the entire North American Peace Pipe business while we destroy all of their flint manufacturing economies!”

Every Indian Brave in North America wanted a Tomahawk Peace Pipe made of shiny brass! They were cheap, deadly, and unbreakable. Some had steel edges to make them better.


Tomahawk Peace Pipes are The Perfect Symbol of Willful Protestantism! “I am a better Christian because I proudly reject the peace that comes from obeying The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being! ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


That Willful Protestant contradiction took commercial form in Tomahawk Peace Pipes. They wanted Indians to scalp other Indians rather than coming to peace by smoking their “Peace Pipes” in Tribal Councils.

A Political Invention quickly followed! Land-Grabbing Protestant Governors began to pay friendly Indians for the scalps of Indians who dared to fight for their Faith, Freedom, and Families. “I will give your Braves some Peace Pipe Tomahawks! Make yourselves some money!”


English manufacturers poured melted brass into cheap molds. Factories made thousands of Tomahawk Peace Pipes! Boatloads of them, year after year.

The Indians’ Stone Age economies were destroyed! There was no more work for makers of stone arrowheads, tools, hatchets, and Peace Pipes. At the same time, unbreakable brass cooking kettles that every Indian woman needed replaced fragile pots of clay. Massive unemployment fell upon every Indian village, town, and tribe.


The Willful Protestants discovered something else!

“Indians can become addicted to alcohol. They are depressed by having their livelihoods and families destroyed. We’ll help them drown their sorrows in cheap liquor!” It was made from grain grown on land stolen from Indians by Land-Grabbing Protestants.

That’s how Willful Protestants begin 250 years of exterminating entire Tribes of Indians across North America.

~God’s Justice~

Today, Willful Protestants do not see that the very same thing is happening to them and to their descendants. Now, their jobs and families are being destroyed. Their enemies have found that deadly narcotics and slave-made products are easier to distribute than barrels of cheap whiskey.

What do Catholics do? We plead with God: “Please, do not let Your Justice fall upon us!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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