Older Mothers are Very, Very Important People.

An “Older Mother” brought John the Baptist into the World to prepare The Way for Jesus.


Question 1:  “What do women gain by being Older Mothers?”

Answer:  “God rewards Older Mothers with longer lives:



Question 2:  “What else do Older Mothers gain?”

Answer:  The immortal souls of “Older Mothers get ‘Heaven Credits’ for bringing souls into the world.  Their eternal reward is increased by raising them to ‘Love God and their neighbors as themselves.’  Billions of souls have been blessed because Older Mothers gave life to many of our ancestors.”


Question 3:  “Does God want older women to be Older Mothers?”

Answer:   “By a Great Miracle, Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was 90 when she gave birth to Isaac, The Father of Jacob and The Twelve Tribes!  God blessed an Older Mother to provide That Great Gift to The World!  God created those who would become His Catholic People with one Older Mother.”


Question 4:  “Are there other Older Mothers in The Bible?”

Answer: “Another Older Mother let John the Baptist be born to prepare the way for Jesus.  Today’s Catholic Reading includes Luke 1:15:  ‘Then Zechariah said to the angel, ‘How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years.’  After the Prophesied Conception of John the Baptisthis blessed Older Mother, Elizabeth, encouraged and supported Mary, a much Younger Mother.”


Question 5:  “Do people who are not Catholic believe that God has The Power to use an Older Mother to give birth to His Chosen People, every Catholic who ever lived?”

Answer:  “Many only believe in God’s Miracles that make them feel good about their beliefs.  They avoid considering God’s Power to Provide The Miracle of Jesus being conceived by The Holy Spirit in The Virgin Womb of Mary, His Beloved Mother.”


Question 6:  “Why do only Catholics fully recognize The Miracles  Motherhood provided by Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary?”

Answer:  “Catholics are the only people on earth blessed with The Faith to see Perfect Truth in Every Word of God, including those of Jesus, His Son with Mary.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with This Church-Creating Word to His First Catholic Pope!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Mothers Old and Mothers Young / Blessed The World with God’s Own Son.”


