Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

All are able to see The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus:

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .”

Jesus said those words to one man, one time, about The Only Church He Founded.  Protestants reject The Only Church Jesus Founded.  The profiteers of Protestantism have invented an astonishing 45,000 marketing plans that have taken denominational form.

Each one tells donors:  “You are smart!  You are good!  You are going to Heaven if you do as I say!   Now, give me some money!”

Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

What has been the effect of Protestantism’s confusion on the world?

Jesus said “Love your neighbor.”  The Only Church Jesus Founded teaches:  “Life must be protected from conception until natural death.”

Protestantism’s 45,000 Marketing Plan Denominations are afraid of losing donations.  So, they fear to clearly condemn, with written doctrine, the use of abortion and abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and devices.  Billions of unborn babies, some as small as a grain of salt, have been killed.

Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

Jesus said:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”  Those who disobey His Church-Founding Decree do not condemn the willful infliction of death on the unborn.  They do not obey His “commands”.

Therefore, those who willfully choose to support denominations that do not condemn all forms of death inflicted upon the unborn are not among His obedient “friends”.

Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

Sheep are separated from goats.  His obedient sheep are in The Only Church He Founded.  His Church has been led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years.  In all that time, The Catholic Church has provided consistent, unchanging Doctrine.

Either Jesus is right, or Protestants are.

