An important question: Who wrote Shakespeare’s plays?

Ceiling painting of Christ and his apostles

Before Shakespeare, England was a Catholic country. Over the preceding 1,000 years, The Catholic Church had accumulated 20,000,000 acres, mostly by inheritance. The Church used those assets to provide schools, Churches, monasteries, hospitals, convents, orphanages, and accommodations for the poor.

The men manipulating Henry the Eighth wanted those assets for themselves. “You don’t need The Catholic Church! You should be the Pope! Take that land and let us have it!”

The Land-Grabbing Protestants launched a war of terror. They killed tens of thousands of English Catholics and grabbed all they could. The Profiteers of Protestantism replaced the Catholic Church in England. New “Lords of the Manor” got much of the Catholic land for themselves.


That was not enough for The Profiteers of Protestantism. England’s underlying Catholic Culture had to be replaced. Self-serving replacements for Catholic education, arts, entertainment, and literature had to be provided.

Teachers, professors, publishers, authors, poems, plays, and books had to be approved by Establishment-approved censors. Lucrative opportunities abounded for The Profiteers of Protestantism!


In Catholic England, traveling troupes of actors produced Morality Plays. They had reinforced Catholic teaching. The Profiteers of Protestantism realized, “We have to replace that!”

Theaters and playhouses were the equivalent of today’s broadcast media. Expensive playhouses sprang up, as if by magic. In London, even the name, The Globe Theater, reflected the earthly concerns of The Profiteers of Protestantism. Entertainment celebrated the new distractions from Catholicism.


Three dozen plays and a gross of sonnets were cranked out at a rapid rate. Some are said to have been written by a stable of obedient writers and attributed to “Shakespeare”. Those “authors” are alleged to include Edward DeVere, Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and even Sir Walter Raleigh.

Regardless of who wrote them, censors decided which plays could be produced. Many of the plays attributed to Shakespeare did contain some favorable references to The Catholic Church. That may have been intentional.

The names of those who openly approved or applauded favorable lines about The Catholic Church could be given to Walsingham’s viciously anti-Catholic “Secret Police” of the day. They could be spied upon, questioned, fined, tortured, or killed.

Censors did not allow plays to be performed that were thought to be “too Catholic”.


Worldwide distractions from Catholicism are no longer limited to primitive broadcast outlets like theaters. Anti-Catholicism rules education, literature, theater, movies, and media. Airwaves and “news” are mostly messages beneficial to Babylon.

Those seeking funding know they must please the “benefactors” who can provide it.


Catholics realize that the world is filled with anti-Catholic propaganda. In every age, Catholic Teachings are attacked by successive Babylons. Financial motivations lead many to hate The Catholic Church for providing superior education and medical care at lower costs.

Most of all, they hate The Catholic Church for providing The Actual Body and Blood of Christ on earth.

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An unusual novel, “Crats!”, may be downloaded free at
