Who is “the woman in purple and scarlet” in The Book of Revelation?

Who is the “woman in purple and scarlet” in The Book of Revelation? She was revealed to St. John.

The last line of Chapter 17 in The Book of Revelation tells us about her. “the woman you saw is the great city which has authority over all the rulers on earth.”

“City” implies political power. The Bible tells us that one “great city” has authority over all the rulers on earth.” St. John tells us clearly: “the rulers on earth” are empowered by obedience to the “woman in purple and scarlet”.

What does “the woman” do with her “authority”?

She brings spiritual, intellectual, and physical death to those who obey Jesus!


The “great city” is global. The “great city” controls formal and informal relationships between “the rulers on earth”.

The Book of Revelation is clear. National and international decisions are made by those whose power comes from the “woman in purple and scarlet”.


Nearly all earthly rulers get their power from “the woman in purple and scarlet”. “Purple” symbolizes “power and wealth”. “Red” symbolizes “anger and blood”. What do her subordinates on earth do with that power?

The Bible tells us what they do with the power she gives them! We read the last line of the next Chapter, Rev. 18:

“In her you will find the blood of prophets and saints and all the blood that was ever shed on earth.”


The “woman in scarlet and purple” demands that her followers “shed blood”!

We see the first people she wants her agents to kill: the “prophets”! Then, she has them hunt down and kill the “saints”!.

Then, she orders them to kill as many more as they can!


In our generation, billions of unborn babies have been killed. Why? “the woman in purple and scarlet” ordered her obedient followers to bring death to the unborn.

They continue to do so. We know who’s next.

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