
1.  “I have an immortal soul.”

2.  “When I die, my immortal soul will stand before Jesus at The Great White Throne of Judgment.”


Protestants may not want to know these three things:

1.  The only people Jesus allows into Heaven must be among:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

2.  Jesus left one set of “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” on earth.

3.  He gave them to the Only Church led by Successors to Peter for 2,000 years.

That was a Marketing Opportunity for The Profiteers of Protestantism!
This is The Promise of Protestantism!
There are now 45,000 Protestant denominations!  Where did they come from?  Each was invented by a Protestant man with a Marketing Plan!
Their donors agree:  “Now, I feel good about myself!  And, Jesus has to let me into Heaven!”
Protestants must ask themselves this question!  “Do I really think I can get into Heaven by knowingly supporting a denomination that values donations more than This Catholic Teaching:
‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’
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Free e-books and reasons to be Catholic:  catholicfundamentalism.com
