We may see God’s Words as “Holy Photons”.

It helps to think of God’s Words as “Holy Photons”. They are His “building blocks”. Beginning with “Let there be light.”, His Words took Form in all that we see and do not see.

From the farthest galaxy to the ends of our fingernails, all we see are Words of God. They are made from the “Holy Photons” He Spoke Into Being.


Some of us know! “God Spoke me into being when I was conceived. I am ‘made in the image of God’. I have two things that God has! I have some of His Power to Create. And, I have Free Will.”

Every day, we decide many things. There are two kinds of decisions behind every thought, word, and deed.

1. Some decisions show that I obey God.

2. Other decisions show that I disobey God.


History is the story of three kinds of people.

1. Some people choose to disobey Words of God. Cain did not obey God.

2. Moses and David obeyed God sometimes.

3. Abel, Noah, Abraham, and Jesus always obeyed God.

Most of us are like Moses and David. We obey God “sometimes”.


Catholics decide to obey This Word of God: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics are smart enough to want the only “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus left on earth! So, we try to make our decisions align with Every Word of God.

We fail!

Every day, we are haunted by this fact: “I could have done better!” Catholics are blessed! He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies gave Catholic priests This Power: “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Sadly, many are led to willfully disobey That Word of God. Their poor souls!

That Absolution is the God-Approved way to have our souls at peace with He Who Spoke us Into Being with His Holy Photons.

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