Catholic Fundamentalism does something very unusual.

This page is called Catholic Fundamentalism. Catholic Fundamentalism does something very unusual. We remind every Practicing Catholic of this simple Truth:

“As long as we obey Catholic Teachings, we are right. Anyone who disagrees with Any Catholic Teaching is automatically wrong.”

Many Catholics have never heard that simple truth.


Many of our neighbors think their opinions are more important than Many Teachings from He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies.

Catholics are blessed. We know that Every Teaching of Jesus Christ is worthy of our grateful obedience.

Every Catholic believes This Teaching of Jesus Christ!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Every person who disagrees with that is wrong. “the gates of hell” have “prevailed” over everyone who disobeys any Catholic Teaching.


What happens to those who willfully and knowingly choose to reject That Teaching of Jesus Christ?

1. They automatically reject the only “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus left to the souls on earth.

2. Disobedience keeps many from going to Judgment and being forever among: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


We Catholics must recognize our duty. When we meet people who are led to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ, we must explain the simple truth! Jesus Christ only left one set of “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” on earth.

Catholics have a duty. We must ask God to let us help the neighbors we love.

We pray: “God, please let me help my neighbors see the need to obey Every Teaching of Jesus Christ.”


That prayer makes us better. We do not want to do anything that would give anyone a reason to disobey Any Teaching of Jesus Christ!

Catholics want to wish everyone a Happy New Year forever!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
